Responsive Interface

Vector ink was built with a mobile-first approach. That’s right! You can even use the application on your phone. So whether you’re using an android phone or tablet, iPhone or iPad, laptop, or desktop, if you have a modern web browser then you have Vector Ink. 

Vector Ink being a responsive design software, gives you the power to edit your designs on the go.

Never lose touch with your ability to make those spur of the moment changes. Vector Ink user interface adjusts completely to a mobile phone. The entire user interface was designed first on a smart phone.

Vector Ink being a mobile-first app means every feature was designed for touch screen and user interface component fits perfectly on any smart phone or tablet. Vector Ink was also made for desktop computers. So if you’re on a desktop or laptop you’re able to benefit from standard keyboard shortcuts and mouse input as you would on any design software. 

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